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Exploring Regenerative Dairy Farming in the UK: A Look at Seven Case Studies

Updated: Feb 20

This blog post delves into seven case studies of regenerative dairy farms, we looked at seven of the case studies published by Regen Dairy website, a project set up by FAI Farms, we looked at only the UK examples, their similarities, differences, challenges, and opportunities. The analysis offers valuable insights into the farms' journey toward sustainability and profitability while embracing regenerative practices.


Regenerative agriculture is increasingly recognized as a solution to tackle climate change, soil health, and biodiversity loss. In the dairy sector, regenerative practices aim to enhance environmental health, animal welfare, and farm profitability. This blog post investigates seven UK-based regenerative dairy farms, highlighting key aspects of their regenerative practices and experiences.

Similarities and Differences

Definition of Regenerative Dairy: All case study farms share a common understanding of regenerative dairy as a holistic approach that prioritizes soil health, animal welfare, and environmental sustainability. However, each farm emphasizes different aspects of regenerative agriculture, such as grass management, carbon sequestration, or biodiversity.

Adoption of Regenerative Practices: All farms have implemented various regenerative practices, including mob grazing, reduced or eliminated chemical inputs, and improved grass management. However, the specific practices adopted and the extent of their implementation vary across the farms.

Motivation for Regenerative Dairy: A desire to enhance soil health, minimize environmental impact, and transition from conventional farming practices are common motivations for adopting regenerative dairy practices. Some farms were also influenced by the works of regenerative agriculture pioneers like Joel Salatin and Gabe Brown.

Challenges and Opportunities

The main challenges faced by the farms include:

  • Adapting to new practices and management styles

  • Balancing productivity with environmental goals

  • Marketing and communication of regenerative products

  • Access to resources, such as land or information

The main opportunities identified by the farms include:

  • Reduced input costs and increased profitability

  • Enhanced soil health and biodiversity

  • Improved animal welfare and productivity

  • Potential for value-added products and niche markets

Knowledge Exchange and Networks

The farms have utilized various resources to learn about regenerative agriculture, including books, webinars, social media, and networking with other farmers. They have also expressed interest in joining or establishing network groups to share knowledge and experiences.


The case studies showcase the diversity of approaches and experiences in regenerative dairy farming. While each farm faces unique challenges and opportunities, they all share a commitment to improving environmental health, animal welfare, and farm profitability. By sharing their experiences and collaborating through networks, these farms can contribute to the growth and development of the regenerative dairy movement in the UK.


Based on the case study analysis, the following recommendations are highlighted, here at Bliss Farms we're working to support these industry needs and more!

  • Encourage the formation of local discussion groups and network events to share knowledge and experiences in regenerative dairy farming

  • Promote research and information dissemination on regenerative dairy practices specific to the UK context

  • Support the development of clear definitions and standards for regenerative dairy farming to maintain credibility and market differentiation

  • Develop financial and technical support programs to assist farmers in transitioning to regenerative dairy practices




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